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SciFlix Videos

Sciflix Yellowstone
Sciflix: Palette Hot Spring Yellowstone

From global warming and sustainable energy resources to the emergence of infectious disease and the rapid advancements in biotechnology, science plays a vital role in everyday life. SciFlix videos are short, instructional clips that present a summary of concepts and discoveries in global science. Professor of Geology and IGB faculty member Bruce Fouke hosts, with guests.

SciFlix-On Location: Palette Hot Spring, Yellowstone

Sciflix Yellowstone
Sciflix: Palette Hot Spring Yellowstone

Professor Bruce Fouke explains how the flow of bateria migration affects the development and color variation of travertine facies at Yellowstone National Park's hot spring system. More info.

SciFlix: Travertine & History

Sciflix: Travertine & History
Sciflix: Travertine & History

Urbana Middle School teacher, Charly Crawmer, explains how science can inform our understanding of world history as an example of an interdisciplinary approach to knowledge discovery. More info.

SciFlix-Context in Research: Combining Field & Lab

Sciflix: Research in Context: Combining Field & Lab
Sciflix: Research in Context: Combining Field & Lab

Professor Bruce Fouke introduces how meaningful scientific research can be performed through a combination of data collection in the field and experimental analysis at the laboratory. More info.

SciFlix: Documenting Perspective & Scale

SciFlix: Documenting Perspective & Scale
SciFlix: Documenting Perspective & Scale

Professor Bruce Fouke introduces how to document perspective and scale, while discussing the importance of keeping detailed field notes as a professional geologist. More info.