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Illinois IGB


Art of Science Gallery 04

The Underwater World of Curaçao

GoPro Video Camera

Image provided by Colleen Cook, Bruce Fouke Lab

Research funded by the Fouke Lab Group, the Illinois Department of Geology, the Roscoe Jackson

Award for Research Travels, and the Illinois Graduate College Master’s Travel Grant

This video shows the complex and diverse ecosystem that is created by corals. Study species Montastraea faveolata was surveyed on the Caribbean island of Curaçao and appears as the abundant coral in this video. Coral reef ecosystems are critically important reservoirs of biodiversity in various marine environments, yet they are also one of the most threatened marine ecosystems on the planet. The goal of this research is to create a quantitative and qualitative baseline for what is a “healthy” coral. This baseline is vitally important as a comparative standard for determining how environmental factors affect coral health.

See the video at

 — inCuraçao.