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Engaging with the Public Through Science and Technology

The IGB embodies its motto: Where Science Meets Society. By engaging with the public through programs and events, publications, and citizen science efforts, we ensure that our work continues to be relevant and impactful, a force for positive change in the wider world. Our creative outreach and education programs expose people to transformative research and how we can use genomics to help solve preeminent problems faced by local and global communities. These interactions remind IGB faculty, students and staff what motivates their research, while helping the public understand the work that goes into modern, cutting-edge research and the results that come out of it.

Driving our efforts are three simple objectives:

  1. Help the public to understand the science of genomics and how it can impact their daily lives, influence scientific discovery, and transform society
  2. Share with our funding agencies the innovative ways we are translating and disseminating research findings to our communities
  3. Build a network of informed, friendly, and supportive individuals and organizations

Our interactions with the public are a source of motivation and inspiration; we hope and believe that many of our visitors feel the same. Download a copy of the 2019 Outreach Annual Report for more detailed information on our activities, or visit our list of our outreach partners.