How the genome enhances, affects, or disrupts physical and mental wellbeing.
Advancing our capability to shape the world and capacity to understand each other.
Sustainably feeding and fueling a planet impacted by a changing global climate.
Health & Wellness Tech & Society
The Anticancer Discovery from Pets to People theme provides successful anticancer therapies in dogs and cats that translate to clinical trials in human subjects.
Health & Wellness Tech & Society Ag & Energy
The Biosystems Design theme engineers microorganisms and plants to help overcome hurdles in health and sustainability.
The Center for Advanced Bioenergy and Bioproducts Innovation develops efficient ways to grow bioenergy crops, transform biomass into valuable chemicals, and market the resulting biofuels and other bioproducts.
Health & Wellness Tech & Society
The Center for Artificial Intelligence and Modeling (CAIM) aims to unravel complicated scientific processes using modeling and machine learning.
Health & Wellness Tech & Society
The Center for Genomic Diagnostics employs new technologies to diagnose and treat diseases at a lower cost.
Health & Wellness Tech & Society
The Center for Indigenous Science uses Indigenous Science frameworks to provide alternative scientific models, promoting research that is ethical, sustainable, and community-focused.
Health & Wellness Tech & Society
The Environmental Impact on Reproductive Health theme explores the effects of environment, diet, and stress on reproductive health and fertility.
Health & Wellness Tech & Society
The Gene Networks in Neural and Developmental Plasticity theme uses gene expression to explain why animals are highly diverse, even though the fundamentals are conserved across species.
Health & Wellness Tech & Society
The Genomic Security and Privacy theme studies advancing technologies with the aim of protecting the privacy and security of genomic information.
Health & Wellness Tech & Society
The Infection Genomics for One Health theme works to describe microbial communities and their genes across different natural and man-made environments.
Health & Wellness Tech & Society Ag & Energy
The Microbiome Metabolic Engineering theme seeks to understand the positive effects of the microbiome on human health and how harmful environmental factors reduce those effects.
Health & Wellness Tech & Society
The Mining for anti-infectious Molecules from Genomes theme identifies undiscovered microbial sources with medical potential for new antibiotics and other beneficial drugs.
Health & Wellness Tech & Society
The Multi-Cellular Engineered Living Systems theme creates machines made of living cells that could serve as a solution to challenging real-world problems.
Health & Wellness Tech & Society Ag & Energy
The Photosynthesis & Food Security theme develops new crops and management methods to maintain agricultural ecosystems in the face of a changing climate.
Health & Wellness Tech & Society
The Regenerative Biology and Tissue Engineering theme develops organ regeneration techniques in animals and aims to translate these to humans.
IGB Member Awards
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