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Center for Genomic Diagnostics

The Center for Genomic Diagnostics employs new technologies to diagnose and treat diseases at a lower cost.

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Chemical and biomolecular engineering professor Huimin Zhao will lead a National Science Foundation iBioFoundry at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
An aerial view of James Island and James Fort. The Jamestown colony was established in Tsenacomoco, the Algonquian name for the Powhatan chiefdom in the tidewater areas of the Chesapeake Bay and later became the Commonwealth of Virginia. / Jamestown Rediscovery
The current work was done as part of a larger research study aimed at examining the feasibility of using saliva-based testing in five K-12 schools in Illinois.
Channel catfish had the highest accumulation of PFAS in their tissues, the researchers found.
from left, Postdoc Yujie Yuan, Postdoc Zhengyi Zhang, CABBI Conversion Theme Leader Huimin Zhao (seated), Ph.D. Candidate Wesley Harrison, and  Postdoc Maolin Li.
Schematic representation of CdSe nanocrystal exchange (left) and absorption spectra showing the shift of nanocrystals from the visible spectrum (CdSe) to the infrared (HgSe) (right).