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In our "Ask A Scientist: COVID Q&A" YouTube series, we featured scientists from the IGB who have studied the research findings on COVID-19 vaccines. If you would like us to give a presentation on these topics, please feel free to contact us at
Vaccination benefits
Do the COVID vaccines really help? Can I delay getting them? Do I need to get a vaccine even if I have gotten COVID? In this episode of "Ask a Scientist: COVID Q&A" Dr. Danny Ryerson answers these questions to help us understand the importance of getting vaccinated.
Vaccination risks
Are the COVID vaccines safe? What are the possible side effects? In this episode of "Ask a Scientist: COVID Q&A" Dr. Daniel Urban answers these questions to provide perspective on the safety of vaccines compared to the risks of COVID.
Vaccines and fertility
Will the COVID vaccines affect my pregnancy? Will they harm my baby if I breastfeed? In this episode of "Ask a Scientist: COVID Q&A" Dr. Claudia Lutz explains what the studies show about COVID vaccines with respect to fertility, menstruation, and pregnancy.
Common questions
Is COVID really worse than the flu? Is the pandemic over yet? How do the COVID variants affect us? In this episode of "Ask a Scientist: COVID Q&A" Dr. Daniel Urban answers these questions to help us decide what precautions we might still need to take.