Counseling Services
For short-term mental health concerns or emergencies, please reach out to the Counseling Center (217-333-3704).
Same-day appointments
- Limited to several sessions
- More permanent solutions like group therapy exist here
For longer-term mental health concerns, please reach out to McKinley Health Center (217-333-2700).
- Dual medicine-therapy approach (therapists and psychiatrists freely communicate when they share a patient to best serve those needs)
- Limited to 15 therapy sessions but they can make exceptions
- Unlimited psychiatry
- Can do same day appointments, but it is preferred you call and schedule appointment (Please be advised that it could take a month to get in)
- Will do baseline assessment and refer directly to Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES), if needed
Long-term mental health concerns will be referred to DRES by McKinley, if needed.
- McKinley staff will make and email application to DRES
- DRES will reach out to make appointment
- Meet with specialist to help students with their personal needs
- Accommodation letters are given to student
- Free and unlimited therapy from Ph.D. level therapists
All Gender Restrooms
The 4 single user restrooms in the IGB Gatehouse are dedicated all gender restrooms, open to the public during normal building hours and any IGB member with building access during non-business hours.
Lactation Room
Federal law requires employers to provide reasonable break time for an employee to express breast milk for a nursing child for one year after the child's birth each time such employee has need to express the milk. Employers are also required to provide a place, other than a bathroom, that is shielded from view and free from intrusion from coworkers and the public, which may be used by an employee to express breast milk. The IGB provides a lactation room for this purpose, to be used by breastfeeding parents who are working in the IGB. If you need access to the lactation room, please see the IGB Receptionist in room 1601 of the Gatehouse for a key.
The lactation room is located in room 608 on the concourse level. For the privacy of those using the room, the door is kept locked and a sliding occupancy sign is located next to the door. The room has a common space and two private cubicles with locking doors. Each cubicle contains an electrical outlet, a padded chair, a side table, and a wire shelving unit with cleaning wipes and hand sanitizer. The common space includes a small fridge for milk and equipment storage, a sink and dish soap for washing equipment, and a whiteboard for communicating with other users of the room. If both private cubicles are occupied, a padded loveseat is available if the next user wishes to wait inside the room. Suggestions for other resources to improve the functionality of the lactation room are welcome and may be directed to Darci Edmonson.