IGB Land Acknowledgment Statement
The Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology (IGB) at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign recognizes and acknowledges that we are on the lands of the Peoria, Kaskaskia, Piankashaw, Wea, Miami, Mascoutin, Odawa, Sauk, Mesquaki, Kickapoo, Potawatomi, Ojibwe, and Chickasaw Nations. These lands were the traditional territory of these Native Nations prior to their forced removal; these lands continue to carry the stories of these Nations and their struggles for survival and identity.
As a land-grant institution, the University of Illinois has a particular responsibility to acknowledge the peoples of these lands, as well as the histories of dispossession that have allowed for the growth of this institution for the past 150 years. We are also obligated to reflect on and actively address these histories and the role that this university has played in shaping them. This acknowledgement and the centering of Native peoples is a start as we move forward for the next 150 years.
- based on the Native American House Land Acknowledgment
Moving beyond Land Acknowledgment
Jacki Thompson Rand named Associate Vice Chancellor for Native Affairs
The Program in American Indian Studies, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, August 23, 2021
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Implementation Plan on Native Imagery
Jones, Robert J., Office of the Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion December 4, 2020
The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of 1990 and companion federal regulations (NAGPRA) establish a process for museums and other institutions that receive federal funds to return certain human remains, funerary and sacred objects, and objects of cultural patrimony to Native American tribes, Native Hawaiian organizations, and lineal descendants that demonstrate requisite relationships to the remains and other items.
"NAGPRA, Research, and Collaborative Partnerships with Native Nations"
Jenny L. Davis, Associate Professor of Anthropology & American Indian Studies, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
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Summer internship for INdigenous peoples in Genomics (SING)
The SING Consortium began in the USA in year 2011. Since then, it has expanded to across the globe to include sites in Canada, Aotearoa, and Australia. The goal of SING is to include as many Indigenous communities, tribal students and leaders as possible. To that end, each SING location operates independently to best reflect the interests of Indigenous communities that are local to them. Please refer to each of the other SING locations to read about their respective workshops.
Resources for working with Indigenous communities on genomics research
Bader AC, Carbaugh AE, Bardill J, Malhi RS, Petzelt B, Mitchell J. 2020. Building relationships to shift accountability: doing paleogenomic research with Indigenous nations and Ancestors. In Working with and for Ancestors. Routledge Press
Hudson M, Garrison NA, Sterling R, Caron NR, Fox K, Yracheta J, Anderson J, Wilcox P, Arbour L, Brown A, Taualii M, Kukutai T, Haring R, Te Aika B, Baynam GS, Dearden PK, Chagné D, Malhi RS, Garba I, Tiffin N, Bolnick D, Stott M, Rolleston AK, Ballantyne LL, Lovett R, David-Chavez D, Martinez A, Sporle A, Walter M, Reading J, Carroll SR. 2020. Rights, interests and expectations: Indigenous perspectives on unrestricted access to genomic data Nature Reviews Genetics 21:377-384
Claw KG, Anderson MZ, Begay RL, Tsosie KS, Fox K, Garrison NA, Summer internship for INdigenous peoples in Genomics (SING) Consortium. 2018. A framework for enhancing ethical genomic research with Indigenous communities Nature Communications 9: 2957
Bardill J, Bader AC, Garrison NA, Bolnick DA, Raff JA, Walker A, Malhi RS, SING Consortium. 2018. Advancing the Ethics of Paleogenomics Science 360: 384-385