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The Biosystems Design theme engineers microorganisms and plants to help overcome hurdles in health and sustainability.

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Chemical and biomolecular engineering professor Huimin Zhao will lead a National Science Foundation iBioFoundry at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
Illinois researchers have opened up the AI "black box" to gain valuable new insight about chemistry for solar energy applications. Pictured, from left: Professor Charles Schroeder, graduate students Changhyun Hwang and Seungjoo Yi, professor Ying Diao, professor Nick Jackson and graduate student Tiara Torres Flores.
Electron transport, the energy-generating process inside living cells that enables photosynthesis and respiration, is enhanced in peptides with a collapsed, folded structure
from left, Postdoc Yujie Yuan, Postdoc Zhengyi Zhang, CABBI Conversion Theme Leader Huimin Zhao (seated), Ph.D. Candidate Wesley Harrison, and  Postdoc Maolin Li.
$14.8M Grant Supports Singapore Partnership on Precision Fermentation
Molecule Maker Lab Institute unveils ugrades to AlphaSynthesis platform