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Di-isononyl phthalate disrupts pregnancy in mice, study finds


We are constantly exposed to phthalates in our environment through plastic products such as storage containers, medical devices, packages, fabrics, and toys. Specifically, di-isononyl phthalate is inevitably becoming a part of our lives. Unfortunately, the impact of DiNP on the establishment and maintenance of pregnancy is largely unknown. In a new study, researchers used mice to understand how DiNP affects pregnancy.

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Study investigates the effects of DiNP on the colon


Phthalates are commonly used to make products—including artificial leather, footwear, plastic food packaging, and personal care products—more flexible or stable. In particular, di-isononyl phthalate is incorporated in vinyl clothing and construction materials. However, scientists do not completely understand if or how it harms the human body. To do so, researchers looked at the effect of DiNP on the colonic environment in a new study.

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Prenatal exposure to phthalates damages reproductive tissue in female mice


Phthalates are a ubiquitous family of chemicals that are used every day. In a new study, researchers have investigated how these compounds affect tissue development in the reproductive systems of female mice offspring.

“Phthalates are found everywhere: building products, personal care products, food and beverage containers, and medical equipment,” said Jodi Flaws (EIRH co-leader/MME), a professor of comparative biosciences. “My research group focuses on how exposure to these environmental chemicals during pregnancy affect the offspring.”

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